Paper and Presentation Type
- Full paper: 10 - 11 pages (Extra page fee is 50USD per page when the paper is over 12 pages). Oral presentation (15 mins) at the conference.
- Short paper: 7 - 9 pages (Extra page fee is 50USD per page when the paper is over 10 pages). Oral presentation (15 mins) at the conference.
- Poster paper: 5 - 6 pages (Extra page fee is 50USD per page when the paper is over 7 pages). Poster presentation at the conference.
- Research Abstract: 1-2 pages. This is not included in the conference publication.
The following templates below, are general templates designed for conferences using an A4 trim size.
- Upload your paper in single column format via the following system in PDF format, or you can submit your paper in the final manuscript format.
- The format of the final manuscript should be in a one-column format and 10-11 pages for full paper (for oral presentation), 7-9 pages for short papers (for oral presentation), and 5-6 pages for poster papers (for poster presentation) in length. Up to an extra 4 pages can be purchased at registration time.
- The file that you submit should include the paper title, abstract, keywords, and introduction followed by the body of your paper. The author’s name and address MUST NOT appear in this file. This is to facilitate a blind review.
- Please enter at least 3 keywords at the time of submission. We need this information when determining reviewers for your paper. Also, Please select relevant topics from the topic areas.
- Submissions, refereeing, and all correspondence will be conducted by e-mail.
No-show Policy
The paper may be excluded from the publications if the presentation is not made at the conference. Also, no-show papers are not recommended in post-conference publications.